Dhramkata as a symbol of Justice |
The tribals sell minor forest products found in hills at weekly open market organised mostly in downhill at plains. They buy items like, matchboxes, salt, soap and cloths. Unfortunately, they arc being cheated while weighing their products. SAKTI invested in buying a Dharamakata. a big weighing balance and installed in the prime centres where the weekly markets was organised. The tribals can make use of the facility and weigh their produce free of cost. A staff member of SAKTI would be there through out the day to facilitate the weighing process. They noted down the exact weight on a white paper slip and gave it to the person so that the person can properly valuate the produce. The traders did not mind the installation of Dharmakata at the beginning.
When the tribals started selling only when they get their produce weighed at the Darmakata, the resistance between non-tribals and SAKTI began to some extent. The presence of SAKTI staff made a difference in procuring the minimum guaranteed price. The traders started showing their tactics. They get united and reduced buying price. SAKTI intervened and fight for the fair prices together with tribals. The traders bribed the police and Weights and Measures Officers and complained against SAKTI. They questioned the role of SAKTI in installing the balance. They threatened the staff. SAKTI approached higher officials and clarified their role as a catalyst involved in the issue of justice. The higher officials extended their support immediately. 
- A process documentation study on land rights struggles of SAKTI, N.Balaraju, April 2003 |
About 4000 palm fibre producers gained through the price increase of fibre from Rs two to five. This was due to the palm market influencing done by SAKTI, in terms of rate fixing and weighing balances. This is a substantial gain for most tribals, as a typical family works for about 24 weeks during the season and sells about 20-25 kg of fibre per week. Thus, the overall gain to an average family works out to Rs 2400.
- Mukta Srivastava, Programme Officer
Oxfam GB in India - Hyderabad. dt.20-25 November 2002