Mines and Tribes
- Letter No.22183/N3/89 - The 28th Mar 1991
- Fears over alumina project - Indian Express - The 25th oct 1991
- Jerrala bauxite project - a virtual mining bomb - Indian Express - 22nd june 1992
- State 'violates' Central rules - Indian Express - The 17th Mar 1993
- Letter No.1186/94/TRI/Rly - The 19th May 1994
- Mines of the A.P tribes advisory council meeting held on 15-09-1994 at 11 a.m at Telugu samkshema bhavanam.Masab tank : HYD - The 15th Sep 1994
- Tribal land lease flouts supreme court order - Times of India - The 29th August of 2002
- Sakti- A Voluntary organisation working for the welfare of tribals and conservation of natural resources - The 27th-12-2006
- U.O.NOTE NO.4123/LTR.1/2005-20 - The 16th-01-2007
- Write Petition no:6145 of 2000 - The 13th Nov 2008
- Letter No.A4/LTR/75/2004 - The 18th sep 2010