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Rc. No. 40/97/PRC/Dt.03.12.97 I.T.D.A., PADERU

From                                                                             To

Sri K. Ramakrishna Rao, IAS                                        Dr.P. Sivaramakrishna

Project Officer, C/o. Centre for Development

I.T.D.A., Paderu Communication,

Jabbar Buildings , Begumpet ,



Sub: I.T.D.A., Paderu-Offering Services and consultant for the Education Programme in Andhra Pradesh Tribal Development-Reg.

Ref: 1. A.W.F.P of A.P. T.D.P

2. Your reference dated. 03.12.97

As a part of A.P. Tribal Development Project (Education Sector), I.T.D.A., Paderu is taking up several initiatives in the primary schools. The introduction of Joyful Learning methodology is one of the important measures. Based on you bio-data and field experience, it is very clear that you have the necessary background and expertise to assist us in the following areas.

  1. Preparation of Audio Casettee for primary school children consisting of songs and rhymes. A total of 1500 such cassettes would be required.
  2. Preparation of a small booklet of nursery rhymes.
  3. Preparation of material required for the Kalajatha programmed.
  4. Preparation of a reader of agency area of Paderu.

As all the above activities are scheduled and are a part of A.P. Tribal Development Project (Education Competent), I request you to take them off as quickly as possible. Necessary quotations for the work suggested may be given.

Yours faithfully



Project Officer

I.T.D.A., Paderu

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