Randeep Sudan , IAS Phones: Office: 73234, 73235 73236, 73435

Collector and District Magistrate Resi: 74316, 75549
East Godavari District Fax. No: 0884-73435
Kakinada (Anhdra Pradesh) NICNET CD 404400100014
Date:17 th April, 1993
Dear Dr. Sivarama Krishna,
I am in receipt of your telegram wherein you have mentioned that there is no progress or feed back on Land problems in Rajavommangi, Gangavaram and Devipatnam mandals. You have also expressed your apprehension that the officials may not take interest to put land in possession of tribals before the monsoon unless immediate action is taken in the matter.
I wish to bring to your notice in this context that we have recently launched a sample survey on land problems in Addateegala Mandal covering and the villages.
The detailed survey on land problems in Addateegala Mandal is now complete and has also been computerized. Basing on the experience in handling problems raised in Addateegla Mandal we intend working out our strategy to tackle land problems in other Mandals. You will appreciate that special problems in other Mandals. You will appreciate that special task forces of survey and revenue staff have to be constituted for effectively tackling the representations in respect of land problems. This matter is engaging our attention and we hope to shortly finalise the ream which will be contrasted with detailed survey of lands under dispute.
You are aware that because of the recent unfortunate incident at Koyyeru the movement of officers in the agency area had once again suffered a serious set back. You are also perhaps aware that among the Task Force Officers, the Executive Director, S.C. Society (Task Force Officer, Rajavommangi) was away on leave for nearly 2 months on account of the sad demise of his father, the Task Force Officer, Devipatnam namely, Chief Executive Office, SETRAJ was transferred out and we could retain him in the district with some difficulty. Further, the Task Force Officer, Gangavaram ie. Deputy Commissioner, Commercial Taxes was extremely busy in the last quarter of the financial year in view of ht enhanced targets given to her by the department for revenue collections. We are attempting to put the administrative setup back on the rails and towards this end we recently conducted a Girijana Sadassu at Zaddangi on 11.4.1993. I am, however instructing the Revenue Divisional Officer, Rampachodavaram for launching a drive in the month of May for surveying the land problems which have been reported by you in the past.
I hope you will kindly appreciate the above circumstances and I certainly look forward to obtaining your valuable feed back from time to time in the matters concerning the agency area in general and tribals in particular.
Yours Sincerely,
Dr. P. Sivaramakrishna,
Voluntary Organisation,